I just received a call from CTV asking me what I thought of the removal of our ad, which was designed to help Muslim girls in trouble. I had not been told. It was the first I was hearing it. We placed our ads in Edmonton because human rights activists there wanted to partner with our organization to do so. Honor killing is a grim reality that is largely ignored, and girls are suffering as a result. Muslim fathers kill their daughters for real or imagined sexual indiscretions that have supposedly dishonored the family. Nothing is done because political correctness prevents us from speaking about the problem honestly. Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide and Islamic law stipulates no penalty for a parent who kills his child. These girls need and deserve protection.
Apparently Muslims complained. Why?
Is this how the Canadian Muslim community responds to the desperate circumstances of Muslim girls living in devout Muslim homes? They deny, obfuscate and dissemble. The Muslim community protects the religious honor code, while smearing and libeling the truth tellers coming to the aid of these girls as "racists."
AFDI's new honor killing awareness campaignwas designed to help young girls living in fear of the Islamic honor code.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but "the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour 'provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.'" And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that "Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values." (Source: Jihadwatch)
Shafia, his wife Tooba honor killed their teenage daughters, including their eldest child, Zainab, 19,
and Rona Amir Mohammed, a 50-year-old woman who was Shafia's secret,
first wife.
"Allah's curse on them for generations. ... They betrayed Islam."
"May the devil shit on their graves. Is that what a daughter should be? Would a daughter be such a whore?" -- Muslim dad woho honor killed his three daughters and wife.
"I would do it again 100 times," said Mohammad Shafia.
Aqsa Parvez, Canada -- lay in an unmarked grave. We planted a grove of trees in her name and in memory of victims of honor killing across the world.
Jessica Mokdad: (below left) Islamic Honor Killing in Michigan May 4, 2011
Honor Killing in Michigan: Rahim Alfetlawi Murders Step-Daughter Jessica Mokdad for Not Following Islam hat tip Answering Muslims
Amina and Sarah, the Said sisters -- raped and murdered by their Muslim father, who is still at large.

Amina & Sarah Said. "Please don't tell my Father!"
At least there's a good chance of justice in the city of Warren. In Dearborn, police are being sued for covering up honor killings in an act of self-enforced sharia and also to preserve the city's reputation.
Februrary 2011: Honor killing of Täter Harun in Germany. "By
about 22 clock he confessed to the horrific bloodbath" with more than
100 stab wounds in the 21-year-old mother-to-be. The child died as well.
Harry Potter star, Afshan Azad, was badly beaten by her father Abdul Azad, and his son Ashraf attempted honor killing earlier this month because of her relationship with a Hindu man.
November 2, 'o9: Noor Almaleki is Dead -- run over by her Muslim father for being too "westernized," she lingered for days.
Katya Koren, 19, was stoned to death under "Sharia law" after taking part in a beauty contest in Ukraine.
Switzerland: Muslim hacks daughter to death with axe for dating non-Muslim
Fatima Abdullah, honor murdereed in Tampa, Florida. A coverup followed
Tulay Goren: Schoolgirl "was tortured by her father" before she was murdered in Muslim honor killing
Notice the man's face is protected, and that the victims of these "honor" murders are always beautiful.
The depraved murder Önder B. und Müjde
Feroz Mangal and Khatera Sadiqi were shot by Khatera's brother as they sat in a parked car at the Elmvale Acres shopping plaza.
Sisters: Yasmine (right) and Sabrina Larbi-Cherif were allegedly killed by Yasmine's boyfriend Mohammed Ali
Ayman Udas Poet and Artist
UK: Muslim Husband Convicted of Murdering His Abused Wife....... Sabina Akhtar
Aasiya Hassan had her head chopped off by her "moderate" Muslim husband
Sandeela Kanwal, 25, was found dead on her bedroom floor last July. Her father told police he strangled his daughter with a bungee cord because she wanted a divorce.
Morsal Obeidi (stabbed to death 23 times by her brother -- for "turning away from her family").
Hatin Surucu Germany Muslim brothers gunned her down for adopting Western ways.
Caneze Riaz, 39, and her four daughters, Sayrah, 16, Sophia, 15, Alicia, 10, and Hannah, 3 UK (Muhammad Riaz killed his wife and four daughters by throwing petrol over them as they slept and igniting it.)
Uzma Rahan, 32,and sons, Adam 11, and Abbas, eight, and six-year-old daughter, Henna
Hina Salem Italy ("Mohammed Saleem cut his daughter’s throat because she refused an arranged marriage and instead wanted to integrate into Italian society.")
Methal Dayem, a 22-year-old Cleveland State student, USA.
Sazan Bajez-Abdullah Germany
Rudayena Jemael with her son and killer Salim Israel.
Hesha Yones UK (hacked to death)
Burned Alive A Victim of the Law of Men Souad
Ibtihaz Hasoun Israeli Arab
Fadime Sahindal Sweden
Zahida Peeveen at 29, before the malicious attack by her husband. At the time of the attempted honor killing, she was six months pregnant. After attack: WARNING GRAPHIC
Ghazala Khan Denmark
The killing of Ghazala Khan in Denmark by her brother may be the only instance where an "honour" killing has been photographed while being perpetrated. This picture was captured on cell phone camera and shows the woman's brother aiming the gun at his sister, lying on the ground. Her fiancee, also seen, was wounded, but survived. The killing was planned by her entire family, and Pakistani taxi drivers were used as spies to spot her and alert her family.
As a 13-year-old girl in Turkey, Rojda was raped, then forced to marry her
rapist under Islamic law. Her face was mutilated by her "husband's" family
when she refused to prostitute herself after he was imprisoned for raping
another child.
Dua Khalil, 17 Iraq
Rim Abu Ghanem 19 (Dr. Suliman Abu Ghanem, a 33-year-old pediatrician at Assaf Harofeh Hospital, who along with his three brothers decided to murder his sister for refusing an arranged marriage) Israel
1/3 of the women murdered in Jordan are a result of Islamic "honor" killing. And yet I could not find one picture of a murdered girl in Jordan.
"It was a brutal scene. One victim's head was nearly cut clean off," an official is quoted as saying. (here)
And the thing is, this is the end -- the final act, the culmination of the subjugation, oppression, violent abuse of women in Islam. The terror that precedes the murder is almost unimaginable. Living in fear, every day, living in fear of physical and mental abuse and still, standing up and living their own lives -- only to be murdered for it.
Sabia Rani 19 UK (not only did four members of her husband's family do nothing to help her, they turned a blind eye as he continued the beatings and ultimately murdered the helpless young woman at the house they all shared).
Teenager 'honour killing' girl made dramatic plea for help before she died
Ramla: Woman killed in front of her children
Israel: Ramla: 18-year-old shot dead
Australia Virgin Murdered in "Honor" Killing
Israel: Clever Enough to Play Dead
Randa Abdel Qader: Stomped, Suffocated, Stabbed, Dad walks free